You work hard for your money.
We'll make it work harder for you.

Research Capital provides a full spectrum of wealth management services to help you both identify and meet your financial goals.

About Discretionary Portfolio Management

Our team of 17 portfolio managers oversees Assets Under Management (AUM) of more than 3 billion dollars from clients all across Canada. With access to world-class research, our fee-based account options are attractive to clients who want to maximize returns, balance risk and obtain an optimal allocation of resources without having to be involved at a day-to-day level.

Asset Allocation

How you diversify your investments is just as important as what you invest in--if not more. We'll help you develop a portfolio that best suits your goals, investment horizon and risk tolerance so you're positioned for success.

Monitoring the Market

The markets change every day; our team of investment professionals meticulously monitor the ups and downs to help you capitalize on every shift. We can't predict what will happen, but we can help you adapt, react and respond.

Risk Management & Insurance

You can't invest without taking on some risk. It's how you calculate that risk that could mean the difference between losses and gains. Our knowledge of risk management best practices and services can help you feel better protected.

Find a Research Capital Advisor

Our advisors recommend only the best investment options based on your objectives, without bias or proprietary pressure.

How can we help?

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Make everything you've worked for start working for you